700 Block - 5th Street, Lynchburg, VA

In an area of rapid revitalization, the city controlled this block and wanted a mixed-use project to breathe life back into it. Originally a prominent African American business district, it had seen decline in the previous decades. One historic building had been restored to the right of this project. The single three-story historic building in the center of photos survived with vacant lots on either side. The city had mothballed it years earlier to be part of a larger project at some point, incorporating new buildings on either side.
The rendering shows what our firm has proposed with commercial space on the first floor with residential and a possible restaurant space on the upper floors. The new buildings are designed to be compatible with the surrounding historic structures in scale, texture and materials, but differentiate the old and the new. This project is located at the Fifth Street round-about and will be a new gateway to the Fifth Street district and downtown beyond.
The rendering shows what our firm has proposed with commercial space on the first floor with residential and a possible restaurant space on the upper floors. The new buildings are designed to be compatible with the surrounding historic structures in scale, texture and materials, but differentiate the old and the new. This project is located at the Fifth Street round-about and will be a new gateway to the Fifth Street district and downtown beyond.